I’m Yasemin Koyuncu

I'm a 3D Lighting Artist right now based in Germany. I graduated in the summer of 2023 with a bachelor's in Animation at the Lucerne School of Art & Design. I worked on my first feature movie called "TAFITI" (2025) and after this wild ride, I am looking forward to new adventures!

Work experience

"TAFITI": 3D Lighting Artist
Red Parrot Studios, Stuttgart, Germany – (May 2024 - Oct 2024)
I got the opportunity to work on my first feature movie called "TAFITI" (release: 2025) as a 3D Lighting Artist. I created Master- & Shotlighting and lit multiple sequences in Maya Arnold.

Graduation Movie: OH NO
HSLU, Lucerne, Switzerland – (Sep 2022 - Jun 2023)
In the last year of my bachelor’s in Animation, I was part of the graduation Movie “OH NO”. We were a team of 4 and I was responsible for most of the environment, all of the helpers we had during our production, lighting, compositing and editing. It was an amazing opportunity to go through the animation pipeline from A to Z.

Bumper for Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network, Lucerne, Switzerland – (Sep 2021 - Feb 2022)
During my second year of my bachelor's in Animation, I had the great opportunity to work with Cartoon Network. Within 6 months my team and I created a 20 seconds bumper. We went through the whole production pipeline from story finding up to compositing. We also mixed techniques such as 3D, 2D and pixilation.

Internship in Post-Production
Stories AG, Zurich, Switzerland – (Aug 2019 - Aug 2020)
Stories is a film production company, that does short high-quality advertisements. During my one year of internship in the post-production I had the time to learn how a movie pipeline works. I worked on After Effects animations for Case-Films, Tag-Ons and Bumpers. I have edited Showreels, Castings and Case-Films. I also created storyboards, designed App interfaces and rotoscoped/masked in Nuke. I had the task of creating Picture Locks, designing Set-Props, updating their Social Media websites and had the experience of working as a runner on the film set.




Bachelor's Degree in Animation
2020 - 2023
Lucerne School of Art & Design

Jun - Aug 2022
LUMAA: 4 weeks summer course with mentors: Nicole Ridgwell, Sean Sexton, Alison Ruthland, Stephanie Parker

Exchange Semester in Animation Department Korea
Feb - June 2022
Korean National University of Arts